How Anxious Are You?Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might notice your breathing feels a bit more erratic, the heart beats a little faster, and you begin to perspire before a presentation or job interview, this kind of anxiety is to be expected and is normal!
Anxiety becomes a problem when you worry constantly for no apparent reason. You cannot seem to shake the stress and tension in your life, and you begin to isolate yourself from people and places to avoid feeling even more anxious. You might even begin to worry about how much you are worrying! Sound familiar? Anxiety can result in one or more of the following manifestations: 1. Restlessness or edginess, feeling pent up 2. Easily fatigued and/or exhausted 3. Problems focusing and concentrating 4. Irritability 5. Muscle Tension 6. Sleep Disturbances Niagara Counselling Services provides various assessments and strategies to help you to determine your level of anxiety, and in addition, provides you with the necessary resources and techniques to help alleviate your anxiety and stress. |
Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Stress.1. Think positive. There is always opportunity to be found even during the worst of times. The silver lining is yours to discover.
2. Feel good about what you've accomplished! Take the time to remind yourself of the obstacles you have overcome, and all that you have achieved in life. 3. Be flexible. Life is never totally black and white. Try to be open to the many shades of gray. 4. Set realistic goals. Develop and action/self-care plan which will help you to prioritize the steps to reach your goals. 5. Utilize your resources. Talk to friends, counsellors, family, and join a support group or group therapy. 6. Exercise! 7. Nurture yourself. 8. Try something new. It's easy to keep doing what's familiar and comfortable, but doing so may cause feelings of stagnancy and can inhibit potential and personal goals. |
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